Pure Elite Modular Filtration System

Unwanted contaminants like hard water minerals, chlorine, and iron are just a few things average homeowners struggle with when it comes to the quality of their water. Common water problems like these are not something you have to live with.

With the Pure Elite Modular Filtration System, you can enjoy high-quality water throughout your entire home! This high-efficiency, fully customizable unit will solve your water problem and keep more money in your pocket along the way.


Why should I care about my water?

The quality of your water impacts you, your family and your home on many levels. Our world-class water treatment systems will remove nasty chemicals and pollutants that contribute to a myriad of health issues.

You will also enjoy reduced calls to the plumber, eliminating the purchase of expensive refrigerator filters as well as eliminating costly descaling of your water heater.

Health and Beauty

Most people that report having issues with soaps and shampoo to lathering, dry/itchy skin and/or issues with styling hair, and many are unaware that their water is the reason for these issues. We are actually bombarding ourselves with chemical absorption through water when taking baths or showers. One can absorb more chemicals in a 10-minute shower than drinking 8 glasses of unfiltered water!

Effects on Food

Stomach ailments can appear due to the chemical content killing the good bacteria in your gut. If you rinse your organic fruits and vegetables in chemically treated water, or cook with contaminated water, your food is also absorbing those chemicals! Removing those chemicals means you can drink and cook with healthy, better tasting water.


Do I Need Anything Else?

Most standard units either soften or filter the water, but not both. This means you would need to install multiple units to address your water problem. The Pure Elite Modular Filtration System can be tailored to handle multiple problematic water contaminants such as chlorine, lead, calcium, and magnesium. This is a true whole-home solution.