The holidays are here and what better time to brush up on your hosting skills?! Secure your title as the best host this Christmas with these 5 tips! (Spoiler alert: these tips are good all year long, so be sure to take notes or bookmark this blog for future reference!) 

1) Prepare a welcome basket for your guests!

Make your home feel a little more like your guests’ own with a welcome basket! Stock it with toiletries such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and conditioner, a magazine or two, a card with your wifi information, and maybe even their favorite Christmas candy! This is such a fun, festive way to welcome your guests into your home.

2) Make everyday items easy to find in your home!

While you might know where everything in your house is, your guests probably don’t! No one wants to snoop around your cabinets and drawers just to find some scissors. Go through your day and think about all of the household items you use on a regular basis, then make sure those items are easily accessible for your guests! 

3) Prepare your food ahead as much as you can!

As easy as procrastination can be, preparation is key to being a better holiday host! With guests to entertain, your own family to take care of, and meals to cook, it’s easy to get bogged down in the to-do’s in the moment! That’s why committing to cleaning, chopping, and additional food prep ahead of time will help free up some much-needed time as you host! 

4) Treat your guests to cleaner, healthier water! 

Water is probably the most utilized resource throughout your entire home. From showers and baths to dinner dishes and delicious seasonal drinks, you and your guests will be using your water the duration of their stay. Make sure that yours is clean, safe, and healthy for all with a whole-house water filtration system! Not only will your guests thank you, but so will your family all year long! Enjoy healthier skin and hair, longer appliance life spans, brighter whites in the laundry, a lowered toxin burden, and more with a system! Learn more now by scheduling an appointment with one of our local water experts!

5) Give yourself some grace!

This might be the most important time we have. Hosting during the holidays can be stressful, so be sure to cut yourself a little slack! Your list might not get completely checked off, you might be a casserole, and you might have to run to the grocery store more than once, but remember that you are doing a great job and your guests are having a great time, no matter how overwhelmed you may feel! You can do it!

From welcome baskets to gifts of grace, we hope that you found these 5 tips helpful as you prepare to host this holiday season! If you are interested in learning more about how a whole-house water filtration system can be a gift for you, your family, your guests, and your home, schedule an appointment with us by clicking here! Hosting or not, we would be honored to help bring better water to your home this holiday season!