How long will my water test take?

Robertson Family Water is aware we all lead very busy lives, and the last thing you want is to spend hours with “the water guy.” Our on-site water test will take 10 minutes or less. Once we have results from testing, we’ll spend the next 10-15 minutes reviewing your equipment options and installation areas as well as answering any questions you may have.

What is the process of testing my water?

We take fresh samples from the water source and run them through various tests to determine contamination levels. In some cases, more detailed analysis must be completed (such as testing for bacteria) and needs to be completed by an independent laboratory; there’s a fee associated with lab testing.

Why do I need a water test?

The pollutants in your water are having a negative impact on your home and on your family’s health and, without the water test, we won’t know what those factors are. Each water system is customizable. The amount and the combination of contaminants, in addition to such factors as plumbing size and material, will help us determine the best type and size of water treatment equipment necessary to correct your specific water problems.

What can I expect during my water test?

We’ll perform an analysis of your water using our mobile test equipment. Are you seeing issues from hard water, such as hard water spots, soap scum, skin issues, dry hair and buildup on your fixtures? Does your water smell and taste horrible from chlorine or sulfur? Did you have testing performed that shows levels of lead, bacteria, arsenic or chromium 6 that need addressed? As is the case with most pollutants, even small traces will have a negative effect on your home and/or your health. Our equipment will tell us if there are any traces of contaminants, and allows us to get quick and accurate results within minutes. Once completed, we’ll review the results with you for each of the items tested for and give you our recommendations for treatment as well as equipment options suited for your water issues, taking your budget into consideration.

What will my water test tell me?

A basic analysis will include test results for chlorine, hardness, iron, odors, sulfur, PH, turbidity, nitrates and TDS (total dissolved solids). More advanced testing can be performed at an independent laboratory. There’s a fee associated with lab testing, and the cost depends on the number and types of tests performed.